Data e postimit: 2014-02-19 19:33:30
Lexime: 11576
I vote for myself ...
Lloji: Ese argumentuese
Tema: I vote for myself ...
Autori: xhesika mersinllari
Shkolla: demokracia
Klasa: VII
Qyteti: Durres

ESE Reflection : I vote for himself ...
We live in a country which is under development and the biggest challenge for our country is developing rapidly becoming a developed country . Must affirm that to achieve this status must overcome many " obstacles " high and cunning , which if not paying proper attention , put the trap and necessarily fall into the trap . Therefore for vigilance , dedication and seriousness , our state has established some " golden head " which , through dissemination and compelling words , make us believe that our country can raise to a level equal to other states elite and " haughty . " These people , who are regarded as having suffi ft value for the citizens of the country , to prove how capable people are and how they have skills to lead the country forward , have only one hurdle to exercise their skills and this barrier can be removed only by the people .
I refer to the vote , which I personally consider as a " cult " holy enough for the welfare of our country , because the vote is common aim towards developing citizens . Interests me who to vote out these " missionaries of the future" , it is my job . It is my right to vote for whom I want my choice and I have my reasons matter what others think . Is assigned to these " missionaries " to impose vote against their citizens. It is their ability , but my duty is to believe one of them giving the " keys of the state " in hand by such decent living . What the most intriguing is how can citizens to " sell " their vote without any shame point without killing conscience . Voting is free , general , equal for all , direct and secret. The vote is the only property of the citizens , ranging from the poorest to the richest , through which you can become the cause for the development of your country , without any monetary obligation . So I say that the vote is sacred , because it allows everyone to take part in the war , but without being harmed . It is known that the vote which I believe that it meets the criteria that I think led to a large state above , I expect to get back more in the works , but this does not mean that I always come out the win with my decision . There are times when I am disappointed , but this does not mean that I do not vote is worth more . Rather , it leads me to gamble and vote for " someone " else , which is a more reliable and more feasible towards the development of my country .
I vote for themselves because I represent myself through my vote , my view , faith development and integration . Score is a small paper in size , but huge in importance , so great that if addressed to the right person , can do wonders . Therefore votes should be evaluated , because it is the personal property of anyone of us , which is not leased , not lent , nor sold. Must give its rightful place vote , as only in this way can we raise our state on a pedestal making our lives more frytsjellëse , productive and fair . :)

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