Data e postimit: 2017-10-28 22:03:02
Lexime: 3347
Life isn't shit
Lloji: Ese argumentuese
Tema: Life isn't shit
Autori: Ya Gyal
Shkolla: Still shit
Klasa: 1
Qyteti: Nowhere

It's meee again people .Jo jo jeta nuk eshte shit jam gabuar hhaha.A din qysh mundesh me bo jeten tone mos mu dok shit?!Thjesht jetoje qdo sen qysh don ti vet , besomni sja vlen asni njeri me ngu qka thot ose qkat imponon me bo , veq ni jet e kem e sja vlen me jetu qysh t'thot dikush tjeter. Thej krejt rregullat bre , bon qa ta don zemra.Edhe mos mboni dislike si n'ato tjetren ahahha love for y'all .Keep going people , do what you want , and make ur life looks good .Ishalla mkuptoni qa po du me thon.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Life isn't shit , even if it is you can change it❤Love for y'all❤

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Komentet e fundit!

Emri: gogo
Komenti: you are right girl!!!live fast,die young bad girls do it now!!!

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